What is crud?


crud is tool that helps you with prototyping both your frontend and your backend by allowing you to easily create and modify REST endpoints. All you have to do is send JSON to an endpoint with a name of your choice - crud will take care of creating all CRUD functions and managing your data.


Development velocity is an important requirement for many modern projects. Yet progress between back and frontend is often disconnected, especially at the start.

To better bridge that gap early on crud gives your frontend team the ability to not only incorporate data fetching early into their work (thus speeding up integration later) but also enables them to iterate on required shape of the data (thus speeding up the implementation of the api later). All without much slow down during the all important prototyping phase.


Currently crud is intended purely as a prototyping tool. You shouldn't use it as a production backend.

crud is design to be used by your entire team. So keep all members of your frontend team up to date and use it to communicate data needs with your backend team.

As of right now crud is self-host only.


As mentioned previously, crud isn't designed to be used as a production backend. Given the easy handed nature of database resets in crud we'd recommend you not to put important data in there. We'd also recommend not to store very heavily nested or huge files as neither case had any priority during development.

Last edited: 2022.12.17; crud:1.1.0