
crud comes with a couple endpoints to provide a (hopefully) stable API that scales well from single users up to large teams. Here is a list of all availalbe endpoints:

All of them are available under localhost:3004/.


The /build prefix houses the ability to create and utilize the CRUD methods of your endpoints.

Method Path Description
POST /build/:name Add data to endpoint with :name (creates endpoint if it does not exist)
GET /build/:name Get all data on endpoint :name
GET /build/:name/:id Get item with :id on endpoint :name
PUT /build/:name/:id Change item with :id of endpoint :name
DELETE /build/:name/:id Delete item with :id of endpoint :name


/meta contains information on your endpoints:

Method Path Description
GET /meta/ List all endpoints
DELETE /meta/ Delete all endpoints
GET /meta/:id Get endpoint with :id
PUT /meta/:id Change endpoint with :id
DELETE /meta/:id Delete endpoint with :id


Authentification and credential related functions are under /user

Method Path Description
POST /user/register Create an account
POST /user/login Exchange email and password for a token
DELETE /user/ Delete your account
GET /user/ Get account information
PUT /user/ Change account information

Last Edited: 2022.12.14; crud:1.1.0